Our purpose is to help and support our members in their efforts
to care for their land and the surrounding area.
Steels Creek Landcare Group focuses on land management issues - planning actions to tackle them in the Steels Creek Landcare area which comprises all land effectively within the Steels Creek catchment, but excluding National Park and State Forest lands.
The area is a unique mix of land uses including rural (agricultural and rural living), conservation, and urban fringe properties on the northern edge of Yarra Glen. 'Working together' has proved a successful approach. We encourage landholders to work together to solve problems on their land, often through coordinated action across a number of properties.
As a member, you can obtain free access to equipment for loan for Steels Creek residents and discounts to events.
to care for their land and the surrounding area.
Steels Creek Landcare Group focuses on land management issues - planning actions to tackle them in the Steels Creek Landcare area which comprises all land effectively within the Steels Creek catchment, but excluding National Park and State Forest lands.
The area is a unique mix of land uses including rural (agricultural and rural living), conservation, and urban fringe properties on the northern edge of Yarra Glen. 'Working together' has proved a successful approach. We encourage landholders to work together to solve problems on their land, often through coordinated action across a number of properties.
As a member, you can obtain free access to equipment for loan for Steels Creek residents and discounts to events.

Urban membership now available
We also encourage Urban memberships and include all of Yarra Glen, as many of our information events are equally interesting to those on an urban-sized block or those living on rural land.
We also encourage Urban memberships and include all of Yarra Glen, as many of our information events are equally interesting to those on an urban-sized block or those living on rural land.
Membership renewals
Steels Creek Landcare Group Membership is due each financial year.
If you are wishing to join the $20 household membership may be paid as below.
Steels Creek Landcare Group Membership is due each financial year.
If you are wishing to join the $20 household membership may be paid as below.